Core SWX Nano-U98 14.8V Battery with D-Tap for Sony(BPU) for rent at Film Equipment Hire


  • 98Wh, 6600mAh Battery Pack
  • For Sony FS5 & Select PMW/PXW Camcorders
  • 12V SMBUS D-Tap Powers Accessories
  • 1 x USB Port
  • 4-LED Power Gauge
  • 8-Hour Average FS5 Runtime

Day €15  /  Weekend €22.50  /  Week €45

Core SWX Nano-U98 14.8V Battery with D-Tap for Sony(BPU) for rent at Film Equipment Hire

The Nano-U98 14.8V Battery from Core SWX is designed for use with the FS5 and other select Sony PMW/PXW cameras. This clever solution provides a 12V D-Tap port often found in larger pro-style Gold or V-mount batteries, but in the smaller form of the original battery type. The D-Tap is a smart port with the ability to transmit SMBUS battery data. One 5V, 3A USB port is also provided for powering compatible accessories.

Features of the Nano-U98 include a push button, four-LED power gauge, and compatibility with OEM battery chargers. When fully charged, this battery has an average runtime of 8 hours based on the draw of a Sony FS5.